Join a Growing Tribe of Everyday Bible Scholars...
"All I can say is, wow! I am excited to learn these tools to systematically interpret parts of the Bible! Even just researching the meaning of one word is going to open my eyes and heart to so much." ~Amanda W.
"Meditating on what was taught last night, the nerd in me was awakened and I am loving every minute of it!" ~Tom P.
"From Inspiration to Inerrancy and Text Criticism, my mind is seeping in the new knowledge. What a blissful place to be, I am hungry for more! Looking forward to diving in again this evening." ~Sam K.
"Great job with all the content and the presentation." ~Charlene S.
"I am just a little bit giddy, like a freshman who got an invite to the senior prom!" ~Heather K.
"I want to thank you for your teaching style, and the class!! I look forward to the next class. Addiction!" ~Kevin S.
"I am excited to start this program. I leave in January 2022 to do Muslim ministry in the southern Philippines. I am excited to grow and learn.." ~ Michael