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  • Study at your own pace: in the gym, on the road, walking your baby with a stroller–anywhere, any time. No pressure. No deadlines.
  • Get everything you need: become a high impact leader for Christ and the Gospel, all in one place. 
  • Learn from a seasoned academic/pastoral leader*: 30 years' experience as a seminary/Bible school professor, 44 years' experience as a pastor, and an author of over 30 books. 
  • Save up to 98% off traditional schools*: with no need to pay for buildings, administrative staff, and the overhead of professors you'll never hear. 
  • Learn the Bible Systematically: No more getting your theology in bits and pieces here and there. 
The Veritas School
Master of Ministry Certification Program 
Unlock All These Essential Bible/Ministry Equipping Modules Today
100 Level Courses
Course Description:
In this course, we will study correct processes and procedures for correctly interpreting Scripture according to the grammatical-historical philosophy of hermeneutics. We will learn and utilize tools for accessing theological and linguistic insights from the original Greek and Hebrew texts (even without knowing Greek or Hebrew). We will learn 6-step process for interpretation and a wholistic framework for application. Students will spend time in a Christian University library practicing the correct use of research tools if possible. 
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Audio, Video, Print)
01. Introduction and Bibliology
02. Inspiration and Inerrancy
03. Transmission (Copying) and Text Criticism
04. Canonicity
05. Translations
06. What is Hermeneutics?
07. Procedures 1: Setting, methods and tools
08. Procedures 2: Lexical and Syntactical Analysis, Word Studies, methods and tools
09. Procedures 3: Genres and Commentaries, methods and tools
10. Application Framework
11. Worksheets Implementation
12. Your Theological Library
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the doctrines related to salvation, including the sufferings and
death of Christ, the importance of the resurrection, redemption accomplished and
applied, and the doctrines pertaining to reconciliation. This course also includes a unit
on Christology, the person and work of Christ.

Suggested Readings
Lectures (Audio, Video, Print)
01. Christology Introduction
02. The Person and Work of Christ
03. His Deity
04. His Humanity
05. Impeccability
06. His Hypostatic Union and the Theanthropic Person
07. Soteriology
08. The Necessity and Goal of Redemption
10. The Centrality of the Atoning Work
12. Justification
15. Predestination, Calvinism, etc. 
16. TULIP and Alternatives
17. Gospel Questions - Lordship Salvation
18. Gospel Questions - Free Grace Salvation
19. Answering Objections to Free Grace
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)

Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat (available on the linked pages above)

Assignment (optional)

Course Description:
This course offers an overview of the main topics of Systematic Theology as the
building blocks of our understanding of Scripture. Topics include: Pneumatology,
Anthropology, Angelology, and the Eternal State. (Theology Proper, the Trinity,
Bibliology, Christology, Soteriology, Sanctification, Eschatology, and Ecclesiology are
taught in other Veritas Courses.)
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Audio, Video, Print)
01. Approaches to Theology
02. Pneumatology: the Person of the Holy Spirit
03. Pneumatology: the Work of the Holy Spirit
04. Biblical Anthropology
05. Hamartiology/Sin
06. Original Sin
07. Federal Headship
08. Angelology/Origins
09. Angelic Ranks
10. Satan and Demons
11. Demonization and Stronholds
12. Warfare Myths and the Kosmos
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the art and science of crafting messages and sermons that are scripturally sound, theologically rich, personally authentic, and genuinely transformative for our listeners. We will demystify the process of crafting a logical and coherent sermon or talk. And we will study the process of moving from
the scriptural text to the structure of our talks. We will also examine some of the great teachers and preachers of history and glean lessons from them. And we will highlight the importance of expository preaching and understand how to do it. [Note please there is no public speaking assigned in this class.]
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 Theology of Preaching
02 Preaching in the Early Church
03 Misconceptions and the Preacher's Character
04 Basics and Simple Structures
05 Intermediate Structures
06 Advanced Structures
07 The Fear Factor
08 Illustrations
09 Ascension and Transcendence
10 Veritas Framework for Application
11 Identity Rehab - Premises
12 Identity Rehab - Conclusions
Video Lectures (5.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
200 Level Courses
Course Description:
This course offers a deep dive into the biblical revelation of the nature and attributes of God. If the most important thing about a person is "what comes into our minds when we think about God" (Tozer), then it is imperative that we fill our hearts and minds with who he is and what he is like. In this class, we will study the doctrine of the Trinity, the attributes of God, the names of God, and the biblical revelation about who
God is.
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 What is Theology Proper?
02 The Trinity
03 The Trinity in Both Testaments
04 The Incommunicable Attributes, pt 1
05 The Incommunicable Attributes, pt 2
06 The Trinity in Operation
07 Sovereignty
08 Holiness
09 Righteousness
10 Love, pt 1
11 Love, pt 2
12 Eternal Life, pt 1
13 Eternal Life, pt 2
14 Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, pt 1
15 Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, pt 2
16 Immutability
17 Truth
Video Lectures (7 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
In this course we will survey all the books of the Bible, identifying their major themes and backgrounds. We will develop theme of the Promise Plan of God, and show how each book of the Bible is an outworking of that theme. We will examine various theories of how the New Testament relates to the Old Testament, how
the two testaments are unified, and how all of Scripture is relevant for the Christian today.
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 FLYOVER/ Message, Testaments, Books
02 FLYOVER/ Story, Chronology, Timeline, Theology
03 The Two Testaments & Covenant Theology
04 The Two Testaments & Dispensational Theology
05 The Two Testaments & Promise Theology, pt 1
06 The Two Testaments & Promise Theology, pt 2
07 The Two Testaments & Promise Theology, pt 3
08 The Two Testaments & Promise Theology, pt 4
09 Love and Grace in the Old Testament
10 Grace in the Old Testament
11 Covenant vs Testament - The Case for Covenant
12 Covenant vs Testament - The Case for Testament
13 Promise Theology Summary
14 Davids "Torah of Hesed"
15 The Overlooked Truth of Hebrews
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the theology and practice of Christian living. Once a person is saved, they enter a life of sanctification. In the course, we cover a variety of theological positions on the nature of sanctification. The
goal is to clarify from Scripture exactly how it is that God changes a life and by what processes and resources he conforms his children to the likeness of Christ.
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 The Nature of Sanctification
02 Difficulties with Sanctification
03 The Prototype of Sanctification
04 The Imitation of Christ - A Design Flaw
05 The Spiritual Life of Jesus Christ
06 Theories: Reformed, Wesleyan
07 Theories: Keswick Holiness
08 Union with Christ
09 The Legal, Mystical, and Moral Union
10 The Spirit Plus the Word
11 Identity in Christ & the Filling of the Holy Spirit
12 The Grace Drill
13 Ask for FHS
Video Lectures (6.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the art and science of delivering messages and sermons that are scripturally sound,theologically rich, personally authentic, and genuinely transformative for our listeners. This class is a follow-up to 116 CRAFTING MESSAGES AND TALKS. It is helpful, though not required, to finish 116 first. In this class, we will focus on the presentation of the messages we crafted in class 116. Topics include voice (articulation, volume, speed, cadence, idiosyncrasies), dress, gestures (hands, stance, movement), public prayer, use of a microphone, presentation software, eye contact, use of notes, bright lighting, special audiences (kids, seniors, mission, etc.), gaining attention, ending well, introductions, entry, and exit. The [optional] final assignment for this class includes public speaking either live or on video.
Suggested Readings
Lecture (Video, Audio, Print)
01 Your Voice and Your Nerves
02 Dress and Timing
03 Notes and Tech
04 Using Your Bible
05 Being On Stage
06 Postures, Gestures, Movement
07 Illustrations
08 Touch Subjects and Public Prayer
09 Getting Attention and Being a Professional
Video Lectures (4 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
300 Level Courses
Course Description:
This course focuses on defending the historic biblical Christian revelation claims about existence, life, salvation, and God. In this course we will explore the reasons why God, and only the God of the Bible, makes sense. We will also discover how biblical Christianity has improved the human condition unlike any other system ever devised. We will also study evidence for creationism. We will see why there has never been a more logical, beautiful, or life-giving system than biblical Christianity, and we will learn how to say so.
Suggested Readings
Lecture (Video, Audio, Print)
01 Varieties of Apologetics
02 Mars Hill, pt 1
03 Mars Hill, pt 2
04 Mars Hill, pt 3
05 Mars Hill, pt 4
06 Christ the Ultimate Apologetic
07 Answering Objections to the Virgin Birth, pt 1
08 Answering Objections to the Virgin Birth, pt 2
09 Christ's Love and His Resurrection
10 The Bible - Myths and Contradictions?
11 The Bible - Historical Accuracy
12 The Bible - Anti-Science? Uniqueness? Prophecy? 
13 Theodicy / The Problem of Pain / Animism
14 Theodicy / The Problem of Pain / Materialism
15 Theodicy / The Problem of Pain / Monism
16 Biblical Christian Theodicy
17 Answering Evolution
18 Irreducible Complexity
19 How Has Christianity Benefitted the World? 
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the positive influence of biblical Christianity on the flow of world history, especially in western civilization. Special attention is paid to the three Great Awakenings in American history and the true nature of revival. 
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 The Beginnings of the Church to AD 60
02 An Age of Persecution, AD 60-218
03 An Age of Peace, 218-249
04 Second Era of Persecution, 249-260
05 Peace and Persecution, 216-316
06 Era of Constantine, 311-325
07 Christianization of the Empire, 325-378
08 Invasion of the Barbarians
09 Medieval Christianity, 420-1498
10 Raiders, Crusaders, Scholastics, Mystics, 814-1378
11 Turmoil and Change, 1378-1498
12 Modern Christianity, Reformation, 16th Century
13 Modern Christianity, Pilgrims, 17th Century
14 Martin Luther, pt 1
15 Martin Luther, pt 2
16 Puritans, pt 1, Bunyan
17 Puritans, pt 2
18 Revival, 1, Back to Luther
19 Revival, 2, First Great Awakening
20 Revival, 3, First Great Awakening
21 Revival, 4, Second Great Awakening
22 Revival, 5, Third Great Awakening
23 Revival Notes 1, Spurgeon and Moody
24 Revival Notes 2, Luther and Conclusions
25 A Sermon Spurgeon
27 A Sermon on Adoniram Judson
28 Why Church History? 
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
This course focuses on reviving evangelism in local churches and ministries. Topics will include the definition of evangelism, the gospel, the necessity of evangelism, methods of evangelism, mobilizing the church for evangelism — all of which combines to create a strategic plan for evangelism in each student's ministry context.
Suggested Readings
Lecture (Video, Audio, Print)
01 The Great Commission
02 The Centrality of the Cross
03 The Gospel - Indispensable Facts
04 The Gospel - More Indispensable Facts
05 The Devolution of Evangelism
06 Evangelistically Effective Churches
07 The Evangelistic Puzzle - Leadership
08 The Evangelistic Puzzle - Teaching and Preaching
09 Sample Gospel Invitations
10 The Response and Follow Up
11 Mobilizing Prayer for Evangelism
12 Qualities of an Evangelistic Church
13 The Evangelist's Calling
14 Spiritual Warfare and Evangelism
Video Lectures (7 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Course Description:
In this course we will dive into the general skills of the pastoral ministry including weddings, rehearsals, funeral services, memorial services, committal services, baptisms, communion, Roberts Rules of Order, child dedications, board governance, and other leadership roles a pastor or ministry leader may be called to do. We will also talk about leadership in ministry.
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 Church Growth Basics
02 Assimilation, Anointing with Oil
03 Child Dedications, Social Media, Leading a Discussion
04 Conducting a Funeral, Memorial, or Commital Service
05 Leading the Lords' Supper
06 How to Do a Baptism
07 A Smooth, Fast Wedding Rehearsal
08 The Diseases of the Church and their Cures
09 An All-Around Prayer Ministry
10 Governance and Boards 
11 Sample Committal Service (print only)
12 Sample Funeral Service (print only)
13 Sample Wedding Service (print only)
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Bonus Courses and Trainings
Suggested Readings
Lecture Notes Downloads
01 The Nature of Providence; Preservation, Concurrence, Government
02 The Problem Evil; Theodicy; The Real Inconsistent Triad
Video Lectures (3.5 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Video, Audio, Print)
01 The End Times
02 The Covenantal Frame
03 The Antichrist
04 The Tribulation
05 The Battle of Armageddon
06 The Second Coming
07 Judgment Day
08 The Eternal State
09 Personal Eschatology
Video Lectures (7 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Suggested Readings
Lectures (Audio, Video, Print)
01 Making the Case for Eternal Security
02 Answering the Top 12 Challenges to Eternal Security
03 No Condemnation / The Pressure's Off
04 The Security Breakthrough
Video Lectures (8.25 hours)
Apollos AI Powered Theological Chat
Assignment (optional)
Also included when you enroll today..
The Veritas Social Wall
Direct 1-1 Chat with Professor
Our Exclusive Apollos Mentoring Chatbot
Bonus Live Events
A Master of Ministry Certification when Complete
Real Success Stories from Our Students
Laurel K.
I enrolled in Veritas because I desire to grow deeper in my Bible study. I want to know more about God, and His grace, as revealed in His word.
I HAVE grown spiritually --tremendously!-- above and beyond what I ever anticipated. I could NOT ask for a better Bible study than Veritas.
Shelia P.
Nurse, Youth Leader
My experience has been amazing. Better than I could have imagined, because I feel like I understand a lot of the material, love my classmates who are helpful when you need extra help! I have a buddy that is my study buddy, but our library work was tricky sometimes, and it helped to have others to figure things out too.
I would like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for starting Veritas School of Biblical Ministry!
Sam K.
Administrative Assistant
My experience so far has been overwhelmingly wonderful. I am excited about the process and the tools we are equipping ourselves with. The work is challenging but rewarding.
John G.
Retired Police Officer
"If you're interested in learning an effective, systematic way to dive deeper into the Bible with confidence, start here."
Dave M.
Author, Congressional Aide
"Dr Bill's ability to organize and convey a huge amount of information in a short period of time is seriously impressive."
Liz B.
Women's Ministry Leader
"Amazing! Better than I could have imagined because I feel like I actually understand."
Meet Dr. Bill Giovannetti
Your Mentor to High Impact Ministry
You can join the mission to empower Everday Bible Scholars for Christ and the Gospel.
Consider yourself invited. 
These lectures are the same ones I have been teaching in seminaries and universities for decades... But now I can offer them without all the overhead, hoops, and needless costs. 
I grew up in Awana clubs, and was mentored by some of the founders of Awana itself. Since childhood, I've had a love for Scripture, and the deep things of God.

I remember sitting in seminary classes, under professors like Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Wayne Grudem, S. Lewis Johnson, Scott McKnight, and Dr. Stuart Hackett. I heard lectures on theology and Scripture, and thought, "I am the richest guy in the world."

I knew there were people around the world who would give their right arm to do what I was doing in those classes. 

Right there, a dream was born. 

I thought, Why should the wonders of God's love be reserved for crusty scholars and people who had time to put life on pause while they attended seminary?

It's time to bring the church back to the Bible, and the Bible back to the church.
Veritas School of Biblical Ministry is the overflow of a lifetime of loving God through his Word. 

If you are interested in becoming an agent of GRACE AND TRUTH in a culture of CONFUSION AND PAIN, then you're in the right place. Let's go! 

In His Matchless Grace,
Dr. Bill Giovannetti
A Veteran Leader, Professor, and Pastor
  • Adjunct Professor, at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary, Simpson University, and Trinity International University
  • Senior Pastor, Pathway Church, 4,000 strong
  • Author, over 30 books, 3 full-color magazines, 2 apologetics books, and hundreds of articles
  • Solidly evangelical, biblically based theology. The Bible is the perfect, inspired, inerrant, all-sufficient, and only Word of God.
  • Doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min)
    Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div)
    Graduate Certificate from Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (S.C.U.P.E.)
    Undergrad studies at: Wheaton College, University of Illinois (Chicago), and Trinity International University.
  • Sought after speaker for conferences and camps.
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A few places where Bill has been featured...
Avoid Overpriced Seminary Costs with Our Affordable Program. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average tuition and fees for a private school is $38,800 per year.

That doesn't include the cost of housing or other living expenses.

A Master's program typically takes 2 years. So you're looking at $100K all in.
According to The Urban Ministry Institute, "this price tag has become one of the main barriers to training more leaders for the ministry."
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword...
Hebrews 4:12
Discover a Revolutionary Approach to Your Spiritual Growth
* Normal Tuition = $84 per month
* Enroll Now and Save: Just $74 per month
Your tuition can never go up as long as you stay enrolled. No contracts. Cancel any time. 
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Become Part of Our Thriving Community of Bible Learners

"Dr. Bill's ability to organize and convey ahuge amount of information in a short period of time is simply impressive." ~Betty L.

"If you are interested in learning an effective systematic way to dive deeper into the Bible with confidence, start here." ~Dave M.
"My excitement about studying the Bible has been elevated to a new level!" ~Dale P.

"Step above your fears and excuses, if I can do this, so can you!" ~Coretta Z.

"Amazing. Better than I could have imagined, because I feel like I actually understand. I enrolled in Veritas to help me become a more confident and better leader in the High School Ministry..." ~Sheila P.

"I have learned a ton in a very short time.. In the very first class I knew it was a great idea that I had enrolled..." ~Nate C.
I just signed up today...and I know undoubtedly that this is what my spirit, heart and soul needs. God is so amazing - I am filled with joy as He reminded me that: "For in Him we live and move and exist [that is, in Him we actually have our being], as even some of your own poets have said , 'For we also are His children.'" (Acts17:28 Amplified) ~Audray
Tailored for Those Seeking Deeper Faith and Broader Impact
Small group leaders
Women's ministries
Elders and deacons
Homeschool parents
Trades workers
Life coaches
Second Career Pastors 
Youth ministry volunteers
Camp counselors
Bible study teachers
Lay leaders
Parents & Grandparents
Homeschool students
Apologetics workers
Youth or Children's Pastors
Men's groups
Worship leaders
Everyday believers
Stephen's ministers
Ministry staff
College students
Ministry volunteers
Campus ministry
Your Questions Answered
Due to the nature of our program, and our already heavily discounted tuition rates, we are not offering any further scholarships or discounts at this time. 
No.  But you do need to be good at reading and writing. These classes are taught at a Master's degree level.
The only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of Scripture and a motivation to grow and learn. At Veritas, we do not believe in making you jump through hoops to learn. Whether you're a homemaker, car mechanic, surgeon, bike shop owner, dancer, baker, mom, dad, or single, and you'll prosper and flourish in Veritas. 
Each course consists of 80-100 pages of printable notes and 6-9 hours of video and audio lectures. 
If you cover 4-5 lectures (Theology Flow) per week, you can complete a course in less than a month. 
We are converting all our courses to our Theology Flow format, with each lecture lasting 20-40 minutes.
You can watch or listen at your convenience on any device at any time. 
PROGRESS TRACKING will help you keep track of how close you are to you goal. 
If you complete the 100 Series of courses, you can receive a Certificate of Ministry Training. 
If you also complete the 200 Series of courses, you can receive a Certificate of Ministry Leadership.
If you also complete the 300 Series of courses, you can receive a Master of Ministry Certification. 
Why would we? What will that accomplish? 
Our students are self-motivated believers in Jesus who want to go deeper with God. 
Our goal is equipping and informing, not adding pressure to your life. 

So, no grades. Listen and learn. Veritas is what you make of it. 
The staff, faculty, and teachings of VSBM are conservative and evangelical in theology and life. We believe the Bible, interpreted according to grammatical-historical methodology, is the supreme authority for faith and life. 

We also see God's Amazing Grace as the centerpiece of Scripture and Theology. 

  • The heart of Scripture is Christ. 
  • The heart of Christ is Grace. 
  • The heart of Grace is the Cross. 

We affirm the doctrinal statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and fully endorse the Chicago Statements on Biblical Inerrancy and Hermeneutics.
Normally our students complete the program in under one year. However, there is a wide range. 
Since you work at your own pace, you may take longer. 
Your enrollment is good for 3 years. Extensions beyond the 3 years will incur a $100 fee per year. 
You get numerous OPTIONAL bonus classes and webinars too, for a well-rounded Biblical foundation.
Classes are offered online only. 
Special events may be offered at Pathway Church in Redding, CA, and you will be welcome to attend in person (travel, room, and board at your own expense), but we will make every effort to live-stream these events and then provide replays in your portal. 
No. We are not accredited and we do not offer a degree.
But these are the same classes that have been taught for over 25 years by Dr. Bill Giovannetti at seminary and university in two states.
The goal is that you get equipped for greater, deeper, broader ministry effectiveness than ever before -- for Christ and His Gospel!
Our goal is to expose as many students as possible to in-depth equipping and teaching in handling God's Word and leading God's church.

Homework is not required for the Master of Ministry certification.
Embark on Your Spiritual Journey with Confidence
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
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© Copyright Bill Giovannetti. All Rights Reserved.