Fix Your Boring, Lame, Mediocre Spiritual Life

God, Jesus, Church, blah, blah, blah. You've heard it all a million times. You could have preached most sermons you hear. Your spiritual life is a treadmill, and you're a happy little Christian gerbil trotting endlessly nowhere. It's long past time for a kick in the seat of your spiritual pants with... 


Let's face it. Most Christians are biblically clueless. By every measure, there's an epidemic of theological illiteracy plaguing the church.*


No, Joan of Arc was not Noah's wife. No, Billy Graham did not preach the Sermon on the Mount. And no, the Lord's Prayer does not begin, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." 


God has something better for you: DON'T BE A CLUELESS CHRISTIAN (Hebrews 5:12). Let's wake up the Church! Let's GO DEEP! The world needs you to step up!


With ADVANCED BOOTCAMP from Veritas School, you get: 


•  4 precisely selected courses from our Master of Ministry Program

•  Personal coaching and motivation from a hard-nosed professor

  A load of theology & ministry poured on your head like a dump truck

•  Join the battle for Grace and Truth in a culture of confusion and pain

Get Off the Couch and Into the Battle
CAUTION: Clicking Here Will Wreck Your Excuses
WARNING: It's too hard. You don't have enough time. Your brain will hurt. It costs too much. You'll want your mommy. Click here to see some bunnies. Bye. Have a nice life. 
Here's Your MISSION:
1. BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION: Start with your toughest challenge
  • Get a crystal clear process for biblical interpretation
  • Skip the digital shortcuts (for now)
  • Don't get suckered in by faulty interpretation
2. SALVATION: Get this wrong and nothing else matters
  • Fire the weapons of Justification, Imputed Righteousness, True Grace
  • Shed the cliches that wreck the Gospel message
  • How the Finished Work of Christ packs muscle on your faith
3. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: All the soldiers of the Cross in formation and ready to go
  • Organize everything the Bible says by 10 main topics
  • Understand the terrain of the weapons of our warfare
  • Get comfortable handling the Sword of the Spirit
4. CRAFTING MESSAGES & SERMONS:  Become a polished communicator of things that matter most
  • Speak with power and authority 
  • Teach, preach, and converse the Bible with clarity and depth
  • Learn to lead a friend to Christ
EACH COURSE INCLUDES:  3-7 Video Lectures (straight from the classroom), Complete downloadable lecture notes, Syllabus, Private Chat/Discussions with your Professor, Optional Readings, Downloadable Charts, Downloadable books, Challenges (Homework Assignments, Optional), Progress Tracking, Social Wall to Build Community, more. You also have access to Ask Me Anything Calls and Exclusive content.
Work at your own pace, anywhere, any time. 
ADVANCED BOOTCAMP works great on any device. 
Typical Seminary Tuition... $16,500.00
Veritas Standard Tuition... $1,764.00
Veritas Reduced Tuition... $1,008.00
Today's Special Tuition... $387.00 total
Let's Kick the Devil in the Teeth
Clicking can be hazardous to your apathy.

Buddy up!

"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." (2 Timothy 2:3)
Hi, I'm Bill Giovannetti. For the past 40+ years, I've been a pastor AND for the last 25+ years, I've been a professor. I've written over 27 books linking theology and Christian living.
IF the Bible is true, then heaven and hell are real. If heaven and hell are real, then what are we waiting for? What are we living for? 
I urge you to become a Champion of Grace and Truth in our culture of confusion and pain. 
If you're content with the status quo, or if the timing isn't right, I get it. But if you want to shake things up, let's go! 
Dr Bill Giovannetti
Hurry up! We're waiting for you!!
"All I can say is, wow! I am excited to learn these tools to systematically interpret parts of the Bible! Even just researching the meaning of one word is going to open my eyes and heart to so much." ~Amanda W.
"Meditating on what was taught last night, the nerd in me was awakened and I am loving every minute of it!" ~Tom P.
"From Inspiration to Inerrancy and Text Criticism, my mind is seeping in the new knowledge. What a blissful place to be, I am hungry for more! Looking forward to diving in again this evening." ~Sam K.
"Great job with all the content and the presentation." ~Charlene S.
"I am just a little bit giddy, like a freshman who got an invite to the senior prom!" ~Heather K.
"I want to thank you for your teaching style, and the class!! I look forward to the next class. Addiction!" ~Kevin S.
"I am excited to start this program. I leave in January 2022 to do Muslim ministry in the southern Philippines. I am excited to grow and learn.." ~ Michael
Let's Get Going
CAUTION: Clicking Here Can Wreck Your Excuses
[Does this statement motivate you? If not, enjoy the bunnies. If it does, you've found your people.]
Some wish to live within the sound
Of church or chapel bell. 
I wish to run a Rescue Shop
Within a yard of Hell!
~C.T. Studd
Veritas School of Biblical Ministry 
the only seminary designed from the ground up for lay people 
Frequently Asked Questions
For ADVANCED BOOTCAMP, you have a 24 hour free inspection period once you sign up. After that, your card will be charged and the charge will be non-refundable. 
Most classes include 3 to 6 videos, ranging from 1-3 hours each. Readings are assigned before each class for your benefit and growth. You can complete a class in 1-2 months depending on your own pace and schedule. There are never any deadlines, and there's no pressure.
Our goal is equipping and informing, not adding pressure to your life. 

Here is our grading system: 

PASS (Credit)
PASS (Audit)

Incompletes may be completed by attending all missing lectures and turning in missing assignments within 9 months of the class start date. 
The staff, faculty, and teachings of VSBM are conservative and evangelical in theology and life. We believe the Bible, interpreted according to grammatical-historical methodology, is the supreme authority for faith and life. 

We also see God's Amazing Grace as the centerpiece of Scripture and Theology. 

  • The heart of Scripture is Christ. 
  • The heart of Christ is Grace. 
  • The heart of Grace is the Cross. 

We affirm the doctrinal statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and fully endorse the Chicago Statements on Biblical Inerrancy and Hermeneutics.
No. We are not accredited and we do not offer a degree.
But these are the same classes that have been taught for over 25 years by Dr. Bill Giovannetti at multiple accredited institutions. The goal is that you get equipped for greater, deeper, broader ministry effectiveness than ever before -- for Christ and His Gospel!
Our goal is to expose as many students as possible to in-depth equipping and teaching in handling God's Word and leading God's church.

Homework is required for the Master of Ministry degree.

Homework is NOT required, however, if you simply want to audit the program. 

Auditors will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. 
You CAN Do this!
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
No More Excuses
Last Chance