GS24-23 Step Up to Church

Step Up to Church
Bill Giovannetti
"And [the Lord Jesus Christ] is the head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence" (Colossians 1:18).

I saw an interesting thread on social media this week. Someone asked the question, "What civilization has had the most powerful impact on human history?"

What do you think were the most common answers?

Most people said Roman and Greek civilization, pretty much a tie. Others said Chinese civilization. Some said Sumerian, which makes me scratch my head.

Personally, I have 2 answers, and I want to zero in on the second one today.

My first answer is the Babylonian civilization.

The power of Babylon reaches all the way back to the dawn of human history. In the 10th chapter of Genesis, Babylon begins with the Tower of Babel. This was mankind's first organized attempt to replace the rule of God with the rule of humankind.

Babylon stretches to Nebuchadnezzar, the poster boy for rebellion against God.

That rebellion was the operating system of the Sumerian empire, the Roman Empire, the Greek empire, the Chinese empire... British... American...

And that same spirit is still active in every empire past, present, and even future.

It isn't until the Second Coming of Christ the Bible prophesies:
"And [the angel] cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, "Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons..." (Revelation 18:2).

That's when Babylon finally falls.

Babylon represents the spirit of rebellion because it is the mouthpiece for the original rebel, Satan.

So, my first answer is that the most influential empire in history is Babylon which is nothing other than the spirit of rebellion against the rule and reign of God through Jesus Christ, the rightful King.

But I have a second answer for the most influential civilization in history. But first...
"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).

Step Up to Church

My message today is part of a series called Giant Steps. We are 9 months into this series, and this is part 23.

The Holy Spirit laid Giant Steps on my heart. Because we see so many people get stuck. Or stagnant. Or apathetic. Emotionally, psychologically, relationally.

Sometimes baby steps isn't the answer. Sometimes you need to take some Giant Steps if you're going to make a life-changing breakthrough into the abundant life Jesus promised you.

So I have a Giant Step for you to take today. It's the one step that makes all the other steps possible.

I said I had two answers to the most influential civilization in history, and that my first answer was Babylon, the spirit of rebellion.

Here is my second answer:

"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).

The gates of hell is another phrase for that spirit of Babylon, the arrogant rebellion against the Lord's Anointed One, Jesus (Psalm 2).

And in this verse, the opposite force to the gates of Hell is... THE CHURCH.

So my talk today is: Step Up to Church

Every one of us is thinking and believing and therefore acting as a citizen of either Babylon or of the Church.

When Jesus said he will build his church, he's inviting you to step up to thinking, believing, and therefore, acting as a citizen of a civilization called Church, the people of God.

I am not talking about political power. I am talking about a deeper more powerful influence than any ruler or general can possess.

I am talking about the life altering power of the Gospel of a King who sits on a throne of grace and whose power is in his shed blood and resurrection.

And when Jesus set the gates of hell in opposition to the church, he is saying that the two civilizations are at war. You have to choose between them.

To help you make that choice, Jesus announces that the Church wins, Babylon loses, and the gates of hell are shattered.

Choose your way of life. Choose wisely.