School of Biblical Ministry

Veritas School is a seminary experience for regular people. 
All the depth... All the theology... All the meaning...
Without sacrificing your family, without quitting your job, and without breaking the bank.
What You Gain
CONFIDENCE... you can correctly interpret the Bible for yourself

COMPETENCE... you can raise your ministry impact to a higher level

CLARITY... you can discover how the Bible fits together with itself and with life

CHRISTLIKENESS... you can grow deeper in your relationship with God
Earn your Master of Ministry Certification in as little as Three Years
  • We put together a schedule that works for BUSY PEOPLE. Our classes are offered online or live, four classes per year. The classes don't last forever either. We've packed each class into a 5 session module: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Monday/Wednesday evening, Tuesday Webinar.
  • We're built from the ground up for lay leaders, volunteers, small group leaders,  Sunday School teachers, board members, authors, and working women and men -- not just pastors and clergy (though you're welcome too!).
  • Most people learn the Bible in scraps, like pieces of a puzzle without a box top. We help provide the box top. How does everything fit together? Let's discover that together.
  • You can finally know what to say to critics and skeptics, and how to answer with COURAGE and GRACE.
  • We'll walk you through HOW to use Greek and Hebrew resources, and in WHAT ORDER to use them.
  • We're offering seminary level teaching at a fraction of the cost.
  • We really like big words -- theological powerhouses like justification, propitiation, sanctification, and aseity. You'll love them too, once you discover what they mean and how they change lives.
"All I can say is, wow! I am excited to learn these tools to systematically interpret parts of the Bible! Even just researching the meaning of one word is going to open my eyes and heart to so much."

"Meditating on what was taught last night, the nerd in me was awakened and I am loving every minute of it!"

"From Inspiration to Inerrancy and Text Criticism, my mind is seeping in the new knowledge. What a blissful place to be, I am hungry for more! Looking forward to diving in again this evening."

"Great job with all the content and the presentation."

"I am just a little bit giddy, like a freshman who got an invite to the senior prom!"

"I want to thank you for your teaching style, and the class!! I look forward to the next class. Addiction!"

"Dr. Bill's ability to organize and convey ahuge amount of information in a short period of time is simply impressive."

"If you are interested in learning an effective systematic way to dive deeper into the Bible with confidence, start here."

"My excitement about studying the Bible has been elevated to a new level!"

"Step above your fears and excuses, if I can do this, so can you!"

"Amazing. Better than I could have imagined, because I feel like I actually understand. I enrolled in Veritas to help me become a more confident and better leader in the High School Ministry..." 

"I have learned a ton in a very short time.. In the very first class I knew it was a great idea that I had enrolled..."
The Veritas Free Webinar Series
You are invited to a free webinar, exploring how God uses theology, to heal our psychology. We live in an age of anxiety... in this webinar we'll discover Christian meditation as one of God's antidotes to worry and anxiety.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:6, 7
Rediscover the Power of Christian Meditation
• Biblically Sound
• Emotionally Liberating
• Theologically Rich
• Meditations to Calm Your Spirit
• A Six Day Challenge 
Jump-start your ministry...
Join a growing Tribe of Everyday Scholars
"Frankly, traditional education costs too much. The cost of seminary is out of control, $35,000 - $50,000 is the average."

~Don Davis, President of The Urban Ministry Institute

Would it help if you knew some of our story?

I'm Bill Giovannetti. I grew up in Awana clubs, and was mentored by some of the founders ofAwana itself. Since childhood, I've had a love for Scripture, and the deep things of God.

I remember sitting in seminary classes, under professors like Dr. Paul Feinberg, Dr. Wayne Grudem, and Dr. Stuart Hackett. I heard lectures on theology and Scripture, and thought, "I am the richest guy in the world."

I knew there were people around the world who would give their right arm to do what I was doing in those classes. 

Right there, a dream was born. 

I've had a passion to bring the deep things of God's Word to the everyday people of God. The wonders of his grace. The depths of his character and attributes. The glory of the Cross. The richness of our salvation in him. The incomparable wisdom of his Word.

I thought, Why should the wonders of God's love be reserved for crusty scholars and people who had time to put life on pause while they attended seminary?

Why should the Knowledge of the Holy be the exclusive domain of professional clergy and scholars?

God gave all his truth to all his people.

It's time to bring the church back to the Bible, and the Bible back to the church.

I've been teaching courses in theology and ministry at Christian colleges and seminaries for over 25 years. I've been pastoring large churches for longer than that. 

Along the way, I've never stopped learning and growing. 

Veritas School of Biblical Ministry is the overflow of a lifetime of loving God through his Word. 

I'd like to invite you to poke around, and see if we've got something you might want. 

Seminary for all! That's the big idea. A Tribe of Everyday Scholars. 

You are invited. Thanks for being here. 

In His Matchless Grace,
Dr. Bill Giovannetti
"Does this guy know what he's doing?"
  • Adjunct Professor, at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary, Simpson University, and Trinity International University
  • Senior Pastor, Pathway Church, over 3,000 strong
  • Author, over twenty books, 3 full-color magazines, 2 apologetics books, and hundreds of articles
  • Solidly evangelical, biblically based theology. The Bible is the perfect, inspired, inerrant, all-sufficient, and only Word of God.
  • Skilled Bible teacher -- able to break down complex topics and make them understandable
  • Church-planter
  • Sought after speaker at conferences, retreats, and events for writers and authors
  • Passion to equip God's people for evangelism and works of service
  • A life-long learner and student of theology and Scripture
  • Husband of One and father of Two
  • GRACE-ORIENTED, Grace-centered approach to Scripture, the gospel, and theology.
  • Doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min)
    Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div)
    Graduate Certificate from Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (S.C.U.P.E.)
    Undergrad studies at: Wheaton College, University of Illinois (Chicago), and Trinity International University.
You can test-drive a course before you commit.
Free Mini-Course
Try Veritas at No Charge for Two Weeks
Pay Tuition Only If You Like It
With a trial enrollment and a special tuition reduction.
• If God is in control, why do things seem so out of control?
• Why didn't God answer my prayers?
• Is free-will real or is it an illusion?
• Why do the wicked prosper?
• Why doesn't God stop my pain?
• What does the Bible say about luck, karma, and chance?
• If God can stop evil, why doesn't he?
• Are we pawns of a God who doesn't care?
• Is the universe drifting along, unpredictable and random?
PLUS... 4 Great BONUS resources!
You get Instant access!
So you can better understand the Veritas School program, you can view the SYLLABUS and SCHEDULE for one of our classes.
Here's what you'll get...
  • Self-paced COURSES, to help you open up God's Word for yourself and others like never before. The courses are listed at the bottom of this page.
  • Graduate School Level instruction by a seasoned professor. We have realistic requirements for readings, homework, and grades. Everything is designed for busy people who aren't yet in full-time ministry.
  • Master of Ministry Certification to prove to yourself and others the depth of your commitment to serve Christ and his Gospel (*unaccredited).
  • DIRECT ACCESS to your professor through a private chat portal.
  • FORUMS to discuss theological and important life issues with fellow leaders in Christ's Church.
  • Your program will be a combination of LIVE, ONLINE, and [optional] IN-PERSON sessions.
  • Ongoing LIVE TEACHING TIMES with Q AND A with your professor online to help you grow deeper and feel connected with fellow students.
A typical seminary education costs $18K to $32K per year... Veritas School equips you with the same learning at a fraction of the cost.
  • BONUS #1 - 101 BASICS COURSE, laying a solid foundation for a lifetime of service. 
  • BONUS #2 - FREE LIBRARY, bringing you the most important theological truths and terms in easy to understand ways. 
  • BONUS #3 - An INFINITY PROJECT -- opening the vault to 67 expository messages through the Book of Romans. A MASTER CLASS in theology and the art of biblical interpretation. 
Give Veritas a try.
If you don't think it's a good fit, you'll get all your money back. You can keep eight free books as our thank you gift. 
Nobody wants to feel stuck. 

So enroll in Veritas School of Biblical Ministry. See how it works for you. Start the courses. Download the free books. Do the joyfully hard work of being equipped for a lifetime of deep biblical ministry. 

If, within your first 30 days, you decide VSBM is not for you, simply let us know, and we will refund your first month's payment. One simple email, and no questions asked.  

You can even keep the free initial 8-book BONUS LIBRARY as our investment in you. 

Even after your first 30 days, you can always cancel at any time, and your card will no longer be charged.  We actually want our students to be happy!
  • Pay one low monthly tuition.
  • Enjoy immediate access to all open courses and regular online Theological Training sessions.
  • Create relationships with like-minded lifelong learners of God's Word
  • Build momentum to actually earn your Master of Ministry degree.
  • VSBM price normally $147 per month
    Special Founders Price $97 per month (see FAQs for major tuition reductions available)

    (MAJOR TUITION REDUCTIONS are still available. See the FAQs below to see if you qualify!)
"So now, brothers and sisters, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
~ St. Paul, Acts 20:32
Would you like to devote some of your screen time to deepening your walk with God?
Am I smart enough for a Master's level program? Maybe I've been out of school for too long...
You might be rusty, and it might have been a long time since you've been a student. We understand. If you can look under the hood of a car and know what's going on, or if you can make a decent meal, or if you can raise a child, or add an app to your phone, you can handle Veritas. 

The assignments, readings, and writings are optional (you can audit). 

Most important, we consider it OUR JOB to bring you to the finish line... ONE STEP AT A TIME. 
Does virtual/online training really work for God-related stuff? 
A lot of Christians don't realize it, but the most effective ministry in the history of Christianity was distance learning and virtual. 

I'm talking about the Apostle Paul and his powerfully impactful ministry through writing letters! He transformed lives and whole communities, even though he never met those particular people face to face. 

God uses digital ministry, and we've seen the impact in thousands of lives. 
Do I have enough time to get these classes done? 
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. That's your call, of course. 

But our call is to create a program of super-deep learning that actually works for busy people. 

You'll take four courses per year. 

We've set up each course like a seminar -- sessions on evenings and Saturday morning/afternoons only -- fitting within one week.

Your reading load will be reasonable (and interesting) and your writing will be light. And tests... what tests? 
I've got a lot going on. I'd be nuts to add one more thing. 
A Growing Tribe of Everyday Scholars
Frequently Asked Questions
We do not offer scholarships, as we feel every student needs skin in the game. 

However, we have arranged certain discounts. Only one discount may be applied. All discounts are offered subject to verification AND are subject to change. 
  • Married Couples - 50% off your spouse's tuition (one discount per couple) -- discount remains as long as both remain enrolled. One spouses uses this code, and the other spouse can use another code! 
  • Vocational Clergy, or those working through licensing or ordination - 20% off tuition.
  • Volunteer Leaders and Ministry Leaders at Pathway Church, Redding, CA - 20% off tuition
  • Official Partners (Members) at Pathway Church, Redding, CA. You went through the Partnership Class, met with our Board Members, and have attended regularly during the last 6 months - 25% off tuition 
  • Current special offer for this week: 25% off Annual Enrollment: ENTER CODE: ANNUAL25-19 
  • Immediate family member living under the same roof (or away at college): 50% off Enrollment while both remain enrolled:

To apply these discounts, please enter the relevant code at the time of ENROLLMENT. 


If at any time during your enrollment period your status changes, and you qualify for a higher value discount, please email us at support (at) veritasschool (dot) life. 

When you email us, please explain which discount you qualify for, and why you qualify. Thanks.

You will be asked to verify how and why you qualify for a particular discount code. 

But you do need to be pretty good at reading and writing. These classes are taught at a Master's degree level.
If you're okay with the 101 Basics course, you'll do fine throughout the program. 

You must be 16 or older to enroll. 

The only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of Scripture and a motivation to grow and learn. 

A PREREQUISITES course is included in the program. 

As soon as you enroll, you gain access to the prerequisites course. This will enable you to brush up on theology and Scripture if you're rusty or if you're new to these studies. 
We understand that circumstances change. If you find you're not gaining maximum value for your course, or if you do not feel you are receiving value for your tuition, you may request a no-hassle refund during your first month of enrollment, and your first month's tuition will be refunded. 

After your first month, you may withdraw at any time, and your card will not be billed for the next billing cycle. 

To withdraw or request a refund, please email [email protected].
Most classes will include sessions on two weekends (not on Sunday). and a few weeknights. 

Sample Schedule for One Class

Friday -- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday -- 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Saturday -- 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Tuesday -- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wednesday -- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Friday -- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

*schedule may vary

Four Classes Per Year, offered quarterly, live at Pathway Church and live-streamed.

There is no penalty and no additional cost for withdrawing at any time.

If you have completed 1 year, you will receive a Certificate of Ministry Training. 

If you have completed 2 years, you will receive a Certificate of Ministry Leadership. 

If you have completed 3 years, you will receive a Master of Ministry degree.
Our goal is equipping and informing, not adding pressure to your life. 

Here is our grading system: 

PASS (Credit)
PASS (Audit)

Incompletes may be completed by attending all missing lectures and turning in missing assignments within 9 months of the class start date. 
The courses in our Master of Ministry certification program are offered quarterly (every three months). You are offered readings and assignments ahead of time, and then assignments afterwards to complete each course. 

Live lectures are 2-3 hours per session, and 4-6 sessions per class. 

THERE ARE NO DEADLINES. You can work at your own pace.

In between each class, we offer and OPTIONAL Mini Course (such as 115 Providence) or Webinar (Such as Eternal Security). 

You can stay as busy or as relaxed as needed to thrive in our program. It's always up to you! 
The staff, faculty, and teachings of VSBM are conservative and evangelical in theology and life. We believe the Bible, interpreted according to grammatical-historical methodology, is the supreme authority for faith and life. 

We also see God's Amazing Grace as the centerpiece of Scripture and Theology. 

  • The heart of Scripture is Christ. 
  • The heart of Christ is Grace. 
  • The heart of Grace is the Cross. 

We affirm the doctrinal statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and fully endorse the Chicago Statements on Biblical Inerrancy and Hermeneutics. 
The Master of Ministry program will take about 3 years. Each year offers 4 classes plus one service project, for a total of 12 classes and 3 service projects. 
Classes will be offered live at Pathway Church in California, and you are welcome to attend. 
You are also welcome to attend via the online portal. You will be able to ask questions, and to see the classroom and professor. You will also have access to all downloads and materials.
Please login to each session early to leave time to troubleshoot technical issues. 
No. But these are the same classes that have been taught for over 25 years by Dr. Bill Giovannetti at seminary and university in two states. The goal is that you get equipped for greater, deeper, broader ministry effectiveness than ever before -- for Christ and His Gospel!

We are working on a partnership with A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary and you "may" receive credit there for an additional fee. 

Details coming soon. 
You will learn how to access basic elements of Hebrew and Greek (the underlying languages of Scripture), but we do not require or offer courses in the biblical languages at this time. 

You may cross-register with A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary for Hebrew and Greek studies. 

Our goal is to expose as many students as possible to in-depth equipping and teaching in handling God's Word and leading God's church.

Homework is required for the Master of Ministry degree.

Homework is NOT required, however, if you simply want to audit the program. 

Once you begin a course, all work must be submitted within 9 months to obtain credit for that course. 

Auditors will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. 
The Master of Ministry program includes 3 Service Projects, in volunteering, teaching, and leading. 

If you are already participating in these activities in your church or any other ministry setting, great! You can count that experience to satisfy this requirement. 

If you're not already serving in these ways, your Service Project is a great reason to get started. 

Details will be given during your program of study. 
The Master of Ministry Program
Year One
  • 101 BASICS // Prerequisites. This is an optional course if you feel rusty or if you are new to the study of theology. You can start right away, becuase it's all online. The Basics will help you lay a solid foundation for a lifetime of service and growth.
  • 110 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION (HERMENEUTICS // The processes and tools of correctly interpreting Scripture. This class will spend time in a Christian University library practicing the correct use of research tools.
  • 112 SOTERIOLOGY // The Cross and its meaning, with emphasis on justification, redemption, propitiation, regeneration, atonement, and expiation. What is and isn't the Gospel?
  • 114 OVERVIEW OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY // An overview of the key doctrines of systematic theology, including Anthropology, Hamartiology, Eschatology, and Christology. Includes a unit on the nature and varieties of theological constructs.
  • 116 CRAFTING MESSAGES AND SERMONS // The art and science of moving from hermeneutics to a well-crafted sermon, while always showing the relation to the text.
  • 118 SERVICE PROJECT - VOLUNTEERING  // 12 continuous weeks of volunteer service at a local church or other ministry.
Year Two
  • 210 THEOLOGY PROPER (THE DOCTRINE OF GOD) // Developing the doctrine of the Trinity, and the attributes and names of God.
  • 212 BIBLE SURVEY // A survey of the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. Setting, theme, and issues pertaining to each book. Includes a special emphasis on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.
  • 214 SANCTIFICATION (THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE) // The theology of how God changes lives through his grace, and an ability to articulate the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s everyday life. Includes a unit on spiritual gifts for service.
  • 216 DELIVERING MESSAGES AND SERMONS // Hacks at being a better public speaker. This class will require participants to give 3-5 very short practice talks, including an evangelistic talk with invitation.
  • 218 SERVICE PROJECT - TEACHING // 12 sessions of crafting and teaching Bible lessons to any age group in a small group, youth group, children’s ministry or other organization.
Year Three
  • 310 APOLOGETICS // The art, science, and lifestyle of making the case for Christianity. Defending the authority of Scripture and the Christian worldview.
  • 312 INTRO TO CHRISTIAN HISTORY AND AMERICA'S GREAT AWAKENINGS // A study of Christianity, emphasizing key figures in  American history, with special emphasis on America’s Three Great Awakenings.
  • 314 EVANGELISM // Methods of integrating evangelism into life and ministry. Training in personal evangelism and witness. Mobilizing a church or group for evangelism. Keeping the Gospel clear. The relationship between evangelism and social ministry.
  • 316 PRINCIPLES OF PASTORING // The art of shepherding souls, with a basic introduction to pastoral ministry, including basics of counselling, referring, officiating at weddings, and funerals.
  • 318 SERVICE PROJECT - LEADING // A leadership role in your ministry setting in which you lead leaders for at least 12 weeks.
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
© Copyright 2019-2022 Bill Giovannetti ARR